Kajeet | Harris County Department of Education (HCDE)/ Choice Partners (CP) Contract

Contract #: 23/036SG-05

Vendor Information

Contract #: 23/036SG-05

HUB Type: Non HUB Hub Type Description
RFO: 23/036SG-05
Contract Status: Active
Contract Term Effective Date: 05/17/2023
Contract Expiration Date: 05/16/2024 with 4 one year options to extend

Contact Information

Vendor Contact
Alison Holz
Phone: (470) 302-0044

Fax: (240) 482-3505


CP Contract Manager
Steve Gibson
Phone: (713) 681-6052

Contract Overview


Kajeet offers Choice Partners-HCDE services including secure CIPA-compliant 4G LTE and 5G managed broadband via all major carrier networks, school bus wi-fi, hotspots, connected devices, installation, and other related services focusing on Wireless. The Services offered by Kajeet may be used by state and local governments, public education, colleges/universities, non profits, and other public entities in Texas, as well as public entities outside the state. Resellers are not currently available.

Products & Solutions

  • Kajeet SmartBus™ – School bus WiFi
  • Kajeet SmartSpot™ – LTE mobile WiFi hotspots
  • Kajeet Home Unlimited – Fixed internet routers for households
  • Kajeet Connected Devices – LTE-embedded Chromebooks