Managed Connectivity FAQs
Trying to get your IoT implementation correct can be a challenge -- and comes with a lot of questions. Below are a few of the questions that we've frequently heard over the 20 years we've been managed connectivity providers. Don't see your question? Ask us directly via this link:
Education FAQs
Can I download a SmartSpot guide for students and parents?
How can I make the most of my distance learning data?
We recommend:
1. Recording lessons
2. Keeping file sizes small
3. Only providing access to education sites
4. Keeping lessons short
5. Setting up time-of-day controls
6. Shifting data allocations
You can get more information by viewing our ‘6 Ways to Make the Most of Your Distance Learning Data‘ guide.
What are the different types of reports I can run in Sentinel?
Where is the reporting feature in Sentinel?
Follow the steps below:
- Log into Sentinel and select ‘Reports’ tab on left-hand menu.
- Click ‘Create Report’ and select Report Type, Device Group (allows you to report on a specific device), Date Range, the File Format you would like the report in, the Recurrence of the Report (how often you want it run), and lastly, enter the email addresses you would like to receive a copy of the report.
- Run the Report. This may take a few minutes and will display as ‘Pending’ until completed.
How can I adjust daily/monthly data limits?
You can edit your data limits in the “Manage Devices” section. See this PDF for a detailed walk-through.
How can I block students from accessing certain sites (i.e. whitelist/blacklist sites)?
Follow the steps below:
- Navigate to the Web Filtering section on the left-hand menu.
- Under Policy Management you will find the different ways we define filters – by device group, policy (i.e. keyword or subject matter), and client. The “Shared List” is our standard filtering system, which we apply to all of our customers’ programs based on our experiences working with schools and districts. However, you may make changes at any time to your “Local List,” which will take precedence if there is any discrepancy between those filters and the Shared List filters.
- To add a new blocked or allowed site to your Local List simply click “New Entry” and paste the website URL there, along with selecting the action you would like this filter to take. Click “Save Entry” and within a minute or two, this new filter will be saved and applied.
In addition, a quick way to edit the filtering settings of sites that are highly visited or highly blocked is to go to the Web Activity section in the main account dashboard. You can block or unblock specific sites by clicking on their listing in the Top 20 Allowed/Denied Domains section and clicking “Apply.”
I'm a Kajeet customer. How can I get tech support?
You may submit a service ticket at the Kajeet knowledge center, email educare@kajeet.com or call (240)482-4636 (available 8:30am-6:00om ET). You are also welcome to reach out to your Account Manager over email or phone.
How can I check my daily data balance?
Follow the steps below:
- Log into Sentinel and navigate to Dashboards on the left-hand menu.
- Click on the Accounts tab and select your Device Group from the drop-down menu.
- ‘Data Usage Statistics’ box displays helpful data consumption statistics, like Total Data Consumed, Average Data Per Device, and Average Data Per Day Per Device.
This is demonstrated in the “How to Check Account Usage” video.
How can I edit downtime hours (i.e. shut devices off after 3:00pm)?
Please reach out to your Account Manager if you would like to make this change.
Do we use SSL decryption in our filtering?
No, we do not break student’s encrypted data sessions. We do not examine or filter the content of a student’s data transmissions with a site. That site may be allowed or blocked, depending on the site’s categorization. A customer could also choose to block all SSL (though we wouldn’t advise that). We do not see the entire URL with SSL-encrypted traffic. For example, On Google or YouTube we force non-SSL and we therefore see the search queries and can apply our education-only filters.
Will Kajeet help my school or district deploy this mobility solution?
Yes, our team is happy to help deploy your program, whether it is sharing best practices about how other districts have successfully rolled out Kajeet SmartSpots, assisting with installing the Kajeet SmartBus and/or training your school or district team for an MDM deployment. Let us know how we can best help you successfully launch your program.
What is your policy on children's security and privacy?
We can’t stress enough how seriously we take the issues of privacy and security of personal information of adults and kids alike. Our complete privacy policy is available here.
Enterprise FAQs
If I have a problem with one of my devices not working correctly, who do I call?
Our Kajeet Customer Care Team is available to help with any questions you might have during the following times: Monday – Friday, 9AM – 10PM EST, Saturday 9AM – 6PM EST, closed Sundays. Just call 1-240-482-3500. The call is free and our Customer Care people are always willing to help.
I'm concerned about providing my personal information online. Is it secure?
Nobody takes the security of your personal information more seriously than you, but at Kajeet we’re a very close second. We recognize that when you provide us with your personal information, you’re doing more than conducting business with us – you’re placing the security of your information in our hands. That’s a level of trust we don’t take for granted, which is why we’ve engineered robust security measures to protect that information, including 128-bit Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption by Verisign to secure the privacy data on our Web servers, firewall and intrusion detection systems designed to provide 24/7 protection of your personal information and password protection of all Kajeet systems containing sensitive information.
How can I get more information about your Concierge services?
You can contact your account representative or reach out to us directly on our website.
Troubleshooting for Parents & Students
Who should I contact if my SmartSpot doesn't work?
If your SmartSpot is not working properly, please contact your teacher or school technology advisor. Alternatively, you can email educare@kajeet.net or call 240-482-4635 (8:30am – 6:00pm ET)
How long does it take my SmartSpot to charge?
Please plan to allow 2-4 hours for your SmartSpot to fully charge.
How can I check my device status?
You can check your SmartSpot device status online at this link. Simply enter your SmartSpot devices IMEI number (the number beneath the barcode on the back of your SmartSpot case).
What information can the school track on this device?
The SmartSpot devices are provided by your school for your students to access the Internet for educational purposes only. No private information (such as student name, login information, account numbers, etc.) is collected or retained. However, the school will have the capability to track device usage trends, such as what sites are visited and data usage.
A site I need to access for my schoolwork is blocked. How can I gain access to it?
Please contact your school administrator and ask them to unblock this particular site. They are able to make this change to your device using the Kajeet Sentinel platform.
Why are some websites blocked?
Kajeet filters out non-educational sites. Your school district may also be filtering out social and streaming media to keep students focused on schoolwork. Kajeet adds another level of security with filtering policies that block harmful content such as websites containing malware, viruses, proxies, and phishing.
How can I find my SmartSpot name and password?
Each SmartSpot device has a slightly different way to access the Wi-Fi name and password. It can usually be found on the display menu or on a label located on the back of the device. You can find detailed instructions specific to the type of SmartSpot that you have in the Quick Start Guide and/or How-To Video.
How do I connect my device (laptop, tablet, phone, etc) to the SmartSpot device so that I can begin using Wi-Fi?
The general sequence is as follows: Power up your device, locate the Wi-Fi name and password, and then enter that information into your device to connect to the Wi-Fi and begin using the Internet.
Each SmartSpot device has a slightly different power-up sequence and way to access to Wi-Fi name and password. You can find instructions specific to the SmartSpot device that you have on the Quick Start Guide and/or How-To Video.
How long does it take my SmartSpot to turn on?
It may take up to 30 seconds for your SmartSpot to turn on and fully power up.
How do I turn my SmartSpot device on?
All SmartSpots have a power button, usually located on the side of the device. Simply select the “How-To Operate” video for the particular model of SmartSpot that you have for a step-by-step walkthrough of how to turn on your SmartSpot.
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How are the SmartSpot devices filtered?
The devices are filtered through the Kajeet Sentinel platform. These cloud-based filters provide your student with safe, education-only Internet access.
School Bus Wifi FAQs
I don't get cell phone service on the road. Does that mean school bus WiFi won't work for me?
Not necessarily! Our school bus WiFi routers operate on different bands than your average cell phone, which means our coverage is better. Request a demo to see first-hand if school bus WiFi works in your area – you might be pleasantly surprised!
What is the range of a SmartBus router?
SmartBus routers have a range of 150′-300′. Keep in mind that many factors impact coverage, including the presence of trees or the the construction materials of nearby buildings.
Which states prohibit cell phone use by school bus drivers?
The following states have completely banned the use of cell phones by school bus drivers while they are driving:
- Arkansas
- California
- Connecticut
- Delaware
- Hawaii
- Illinois
- Indiana
- Kentucky
- Louisiana
- Massachusetts
- Minnesota
- Mississippi
- New Hampshire
- New Jersey
- North Carolina
- Oklahoma
- Rhode Island
- South Carolina
- Tennessee
- Texas
- Virginia
- Washington D.C.
Are there restrictions on the sites students can access using Kajeet school bus WiFi?
Yes! Thanks to Kajeet education-only filtering, students can’t access social media, games, YouTube or other distracting/potentially harmful content.